"In 2019 I fought a fight that I am still fighting ‘til this day, which is depression. I never thought I’d be doing this, but there is a first time for everything, right? In 2019, before I was about to transfer from my JUCO, I was wrongfully drugged. The lasting effects have left permanent damage on my MENtal health & for multiple months at a time, I was not able to verbally express my emotions or feelings causing me to experience extreme anxiety attacks. It felt as if I was a zombie watching someone else live my life. I NEVER want anyone MAN or WOMAN to feel that way. That’s why I strongly believe that MENtal health is so important. Thank you to MEN’S X MENTAL for this opportunity to share my story & let people know that they are not the only ones out there and that they are never alone. ✊🏾❌"