"Right before I was set to begin my career at MSU I received news that I had torn a ligament in my elbow and would need surgery. I had never been before and had always had the game to rely on as a crutch when I was stressed the most. I was moving 7 hours away to a new state, where I knew nobody, and for the first time ever I couldn’t play the game I love. In the heat of this, I lost myself. I failed to realize that I’m much more than just an athlete. Instead of coming in here open-minded and eager to grow, I sheltered myself and that’s when everything really started to pile up. New school, new state, new coaches. That’s a lot to take in for anyone, let alone someone who was in the midst of trying to find themselves. But the thing is I’m one of the lucky ones. At my lowest points, people stepped out of their comfort zones to break through my shell. They lifted me up in ways that may have seemed small to them, but these things truly changed my life. The reason I decided to share my story is because most people aren’t as fortunate as I am. And it’s okay to not be okay. Without my roommates and some great teammates, to go with great friends back home always checking in then I have no idea where I’d be today. I ask that everyone steps out of their comfort zone and seeks out help when they are going through something, because you won’t always be so lucky to have amazing people around who won’t take “I’m okay” for an answer."