"Anxiety, frustration, confusion, pain, imperfection, insecurity… I’ve felt it all in the last four weeks… because I’m supposed to. Nobody is exempt from the emotions that make us human, no matter who you are “supposed” to be. You are loved and appreciated; and people are there for you. Seek those people out without fear.
I know that because I’ve lived that, too. My ultimate feelings of joy come from the gratitude and appreciation for the people who have stuck by me through every obstacle so far. My feelings of joy have far overpowered the negativity, but it’s ok to acknowledge that those emotions still exist. Life isn’t easy, or fair, but at the end of the day we aren’t ever truly alone.
The light at the end of the tunnel is starting to gleam ever so slightly, but there are way more tribulations than triumphs until we finally get there. How can we impact the world in the meantime? Keep going."